Towcester Business Woman Recognised as Woman of Worth

Julia Doherty, director and owner of local recruitment agency Ethos Recruitment, is celebrating after being recognised at the East Midlands Women of Worth Awards this month

Julia Doherty, director and owner of local recruitment agency Ethos Recruitment, is celebrating after being recognised at the East Midlands Women of Worth Awards this month


Hundreds of women entered the awards, and Julia received an award as one of the three finalists in the Most Innovative Business category. The presentation of the awards was made at the East Midlands Women in Business Conference at the Pride Park Stadium in Derby on 5th March.

The judging panel, which included Rachel Elnaugh, of Dragon’s Den fame, was looking for women who had achieved success through doing things differently in business. The award came at the end of a gruelling process which started with a written application. Candidates who were successful were then narrowed down during a telephone interview. The next step was an on-camera interview at Ethos’ premises. It was following this that Julia found out she had reached the final stage and was invited to the Conference to hear that she had been successful in clinching an award.

So, what is Julia’s take on being a successful woman in business? “Develop an unshakeable belief that you can achieve your goals – think, act and have the attitude that you are successful” she says. “Successful people are clear about what they want and pursue it. Some people tend to think that good things will just happen and that life will take care of itself. It doesn’t! You need to be positive and go for what you want, don’t be afraid to ask and be clear about what you want.“ This approach has meant Julia has developed a very clear direction for Ethos. She embraces modern technology to the full, using it to communicate effectively and make life easier for her clients and candidates. For example, Ethos is the only recruitment agency in the country using podcasting to deliver useful advice to candidates looking for a new job. And she fosters a friendly, personal approach – each applicant receives a text message on their birthday, and anyone can pop in for a cup of tea at anytime!

Ethos has been on the receiving end of many local business awards over the last few years, but this one means a lot to Julia. “It’s fantastic to have all our hard work recognised at a regional level” she said “and to be judged worthy of the award by such high profile people really made my day!”

Twitter comes to Towcester

Twitter Comes to Towcester

The social networking event of the moment – its all the rage and and it here in Towcester.

The Editor runs fees to Twitter as TowcesterNewsEthos Recruitment are not only podcasting but regularly provide useful updates on their Tweats.

Drop Dead Gorgeous are there too, and this morning Towcester Tiles joined the fray.

Twitter provides a platform to tell your friends and the world what you are doing now, however this has to be completed in just 140 characters.

Updates can be from mobile phones, can include web links and even pictures.

Have a look at Twitter and join the social networking revolution.

